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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Year End Note..

In mid December we took the dogs and drove up to Plano TX to spend a few days with our good RV friends Bob and Barb Diehl.  In addition to seeing the amazing Christmas program put on by the Prestonwood chuch, we spent a day at the  Dallas Arboretum.   Carol is still on the board for  Mercer Arboretum and is charge of their education programs, which includes visits to other places of interest. She is planning a 3 day trip to Dallas for next October and the Arboretum there is a major stop so we wanted to check it out.

It so happens that they had the Chihuly Exhibit of his Glass Art on display...  located throughout the Arboretum ... it has been in Dallas for several months before moving on. Most are lighted for a dramatic effect at night.  As usual I took some pictures which you can see by clicking HERE if you choose.

Christmas eve was great as usual.  Daughter Cathy and her fine family joined us for dinner and a fun time opening gifts.  We are thankful to be mobile, healthy and happy for another of many years and wish all of you a blessed and productive 2013.....   in spite of the duplicitous, lying, evil clowns who currently lead and infest our three branches of Federal Government.  Did I mention that I have spent much of 2012 following the economic and political news? 

Have a good one...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December Update

On the 11th of this month I return to Envoy Medical to have the audiologist continue to fine tune the frequencies and amplification of the Esteem device.  It is working as advertised but we will continue to adjust for clarity for the next few months as expected.

We had a great RV trip to Charleston SC to James River County Park where they are celebrating their annual "Festival of Lights".  We were in the area for about a week and the weather couldn't have been nicer.  Most days we walked 2 to 4 miles through the park trails in the evening to see the lights. It was  great getaway before the busy holiday season.   We toured the city, visites Ft. Sumpter, and the many old homes.  I took few pictures but a lot of the lights.  If interested this link should do it...   click HERE