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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Last Day Wildlife

Carol fixed a nice breakfast casserole which we enjoyed with the Diehls this morning. They then left for home.  We had a very heavy rain last night and the temp dropped to 47.  A sunny and windy 76 right now at noon.  We will enjoy the rest of the day reading, then likely suffer through another Texans game as they play the 49ers tonight.  We are heading home tomorrow.

I saw these guys across the pond from us early this morning through the mist and got out my telephoto lens. Must be some kind of goose but not familiar to me.

That is a red leaf on the ground .. not a crest on the one on the left

Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Pleasant Saturday

Another "almost" down day.  We did drive the 4 1/2 miles to the local HEB for some groceries for a breakfast casserole tomorrow.  Low 80s and breeze.  Partly cloudy.  A great day to read and relax.  I walked Cody across the small bridge to the park area across from our rigs.  This is a nice view from our patio.

And here is a view of the rigs.  Lots of nice open spaces.

This fine old tree caught my eye.... 
And Cody and I caught the eye of this guy....

Friday, October 4, 2013

Kerrville Economy Suffers Setback

Yes... too bad for the area, but  today was a "down day" for the Diehls and the Bennetts.  We didn't leave the RV site.  Highly unusual given that WalMart and gift shops are only about 15 minutes away.  However to relieve the dull ache of nonshopitis, the ladies had a craft day.   Carol and Barb applied their considerable talents to improving the appearance of some dry gourds.  Clearly this was more productive than our U.S. Congress can claim for the day.  With brats for lunch and pork chops for dinner, however, Bob and Chuck were able to get through the day just fine; only slightly more productive than the congress. Sunny, warm, and breezy.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wed and Thurs

Visits to Kerrville and Federicksburg areas for shopping, plant looking and lunch.   Both days were hot and sunny.  Not bad in the shade as a good breeze.  

After "The Gardens on the Ridge" by Kerrville, we visited "the Pinnacle" Golf Club overlooking the surrounding valleys.  

Then on Thurs to Fredericksburg for a traditional stop at Wildseed Farms

All pictures on the web HERE

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Back at Buckhorn Lake RV

Monday the 30th we left the TV “Government Shutdown” chaos behind and drove the 250 miles to our favorite Texas RV park near Kerrville, TX.   While we enjoyed a week here in the spring, this time we are joined by Bob and Barb Diehl from Plano, TX.  So, like today, we can expect a week of shopping and if Bob and I are “lucky” a lunch at a Tea Room or two.  We are in the very nice sites on a little creek and just across from a nice wooded area with a dog park.

 Today we visited Camp Verde, a historic site from pre-Civil War days, where they operated with a squadron? of camels as part of a test of their suitability for use with the army.  As the girls can attest, they have great shopping here as well as a very nice restaurant which was a nice way to spend Barb’s birthday. 

Too Much Lunch ??