I have been enjoying filling the new Tool Chest Carol got me for Christmas (temporary labels) With this, I'll be able to get rid of a number of old kitchen cabinets that looked rather bad.
I have been walking each day in the park or mall, depending upon the weather. It is working as I have lost 17 lbs. since mid Sept.
In this blog on Sept 20, 2013, I had a post that described a way to keep cords and ear bud headphones "tangle free." I continue to find this very helpful. It takes only 20 sec. to store; much less than the time it takes me to un-tangle. In the daily use of my iPod and tangle free case since then, I have come up with a modest innovation that makes its use even easier.
The earlier post linked to a 3 min. UTube video that I made of how to do it. I have now updated that video a bit, adding a step to mark the center of the cord. It allows pulling the wire bundle out much more cleanly.
The video in that earlier link has not been changed. But if you have an interest, you can see the new version by CLICKING HERE It will just open with the video ready to go. It works best in full screen mode and runs 4 min. with sound.