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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What's Happening

We have not had much to report the past couple of months.   Chores around the house, new water heater, new kitchen faucet, etc... 

I have been enjoying filling the new Tool Chest Carol got me for Christmas (temporary labels)  With this, I'll be able to get rid of a number of old kitchen cabinets that looked rather bad.  

I have been walking each day in the park or mall, depending upon the weather. It is working as I have lost 17 lbs. since mid Sept.   

In this blog on Sept 20, 2013,  I had a post that described a way to keep cords and ear bud headphones "tangle free."   I continue to find this very helpful. It takes only 20 sec. to store; much less than the time it takes me to un-tangle.  In the daily use of my iPod and tangle free case since then, I have come up with a modest innovation that makes its use even easier.   

 The earlier post linked to a 3 min. UTube video that I made of how to do it.  I have now updated that video a bit, adding a step to mark the center of the cord.  It allows pulling the wire bundle out much more cleanly. 

The video in that earlier link has not been changed.  But if you have an interest, you can see the new version by CLICKING HERE  It will just open with the video ready to go. It works best in full screen mode and runs 4 min. with sound. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Last Day Wildlife

Carol fixed a nice breakfast casserole which we enjoyed with the Diehls this morning. They then left for home.  We had a very heavy rain last night and the temp dropped to 47.  A sunny and windy 76 right now at noon.  We will enjoy the rest of the day reading, then likely suffer through another Texans game as they play the 49ers tonight.  We are heading home tomorrow.

I saw these guys across the pond from us early this morning through the mist and got out my telephoto lens. Must be some kind of goose but not familiar to me.

That is a red leaf on the ground .. not a crest on the one on the left

Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Pleasant Saturday

Another "almost" down day.  We did drive the 4 1/2 miles to the local HEB for some groceries for a breakfast casserole tomorrow.  Low 80s and breeze.  Partly cloudy.  A great day to read and relax.  I walked Cody across the small bridge to the park area across from our rigs.  This is a nice view from our patio.

And here is a view of the rigs.  Lots of nice open spaces.

This fine old tree caught my eye.... 
And Cody and I caught the eye of this guy....

Friday, October 4, 2013

Kerrville Economy Suffers Setback

Yes... too bad for the area, but  today was a "down day" for the Diehls and the Bennetts.  We didn't leave the RV site.  Highly unusual given that WalMart and gift shops are only about 15 minutes away.  However to relieve the dull ache of nonshopitis, the ladies had a craft day.   Carol and Barb applied their considerable talents to improving the appearance of some dry gourds.  Clearly this was more productive than our U.S. Congress can claim for the day.  With brats for lunch and pork chops for dinner, however, Bob and Chuck were able to get through the day just fine; only slightly more productive than the congress. Sunny, warm, and breezy.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wed and Thurs

Visits to Kerrville and Federicksburg areas for shopping, plant looking and lunch.   Both days were hot and sunny.  Not bad in the shade as a good breeze.  

After "The Gardens on the Ridge" by Kerrville, we visited "the Pinnacle" Golf Club overlooking the surrounding valleys.  

Then on Thurs to Fredericksburg for a traditional stop at Wildseed Farms

All pictures on the web HERE

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Back at Buckhorn Lake RV

Monday the 30th we left the TV “Government Shutdown” chaos behind and drove the 250 miles to our favorite Texas RV park near Kerrville, TX.   While we enjoyed a week here in the spring, this time we are joined by Bob and Barb Diehl from Plano, TX.  So, like today, we can expect a week of shopping and if Bob and I are “lucky” a lunch at a Tea Room or two.  We are in the very nice sites on a little creek and just across from a nice wooded area with a dog park.

 Today we visited Camp Verde, a historic site from pre-Civil War days, where they operated with a squadron? of camels as part of a test of their suitability for use with the army.  As the girls can attest, they have great shopping here as well as a very nice restaurant which was a nice way to spend Barb’s birthday. 

Too Much Lunch ??

Friday, September 20, 2013

Ear Bud Tangles

It has only taken me about 15 years but I have finally found a way to keep my ear buds from tangling, whether in a drawer, my pocket, or a box of other "electronics."

I have tried:  bands, clips, twist-ties, winder deals,  and more... all seemed a hassle.  And none really prevented the "tangles"

I have come up with this.... 
You can see the what and how by clicking on my 3 min YouTube video HERE

If it works for you, or you have even better ideas... come back and post a comment.  You can be anonymous and others might benefit.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Major Milestone

Wow... I guess being married for 50 years qualifies as a major milestone.   And today, there are two more of us who can claim that badge representing, at least:  intention, courage, tolerance, perseverance, faith, hope, giving, patience, dedication, loyalty, forgiving and just downright enjoying one another's company.

Here is a picture taken a few minutes ago of my bride of 50 years today..   holding the surprise delivery from our good friends and RV partners Bob and Barb Diehl of Plano TX.   (She also usually smiles at me like this each morning.. well, perhaps many mornings)

And, I still open car doors for her and she still says "thank you."

And here we are in June 2013 

I am very lucky and very thankful

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Home Sweet Home

It is always nice to get home, even after a grand month in the RV.  It was our longest trip.. both in terms of miles traveled and in terms of days away.  We left on July 18 and spent 4 days driving to Door County Wisconsin where we enjoyed the area for a week.  Then down and East to Goshen Indiana where we spent a week at an RV rally and then another week just in the area.  We started back home on Aug 15, just one day earlier than planned and spent 3 days getting back to Houston on Aug 17. It helps a lot that Carol handles part of the driving.

A total of 3601 miles on the GPS.  The Honda towed just fine and enabled us to do the sight-seeing and not have to move our "home camp."  Most of what we saw is described in the previous blogs which also have the links to our photos on the web albums.

As always... our thanks to the Walkers for watching the mail and the house.

Good to be home.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Last Few Days

Written on Sunday Aug. 11.   Not a lot to report or photograph the last few days... The rally ended yesterday and 98% of the rigs are gone.  It is down to the size of rally I like... 10 rigs over 5 acres.
On Friday we visited Linton's Garden place.  It is quite interesting... the type of thing built by a guy with money and a sense of whimsy.   It is touted as the largest, best equipped,  garden supply and nursery place in the surrounding area and it is very different.  They also have one of the quilt squares.  We have stopped here several times.  My other pictures from the visit are on the web album HERE   And the link to their web site is RIGHT HERE

You kids likely don't remember but my grandmother's maiden name was an old English name.. Beardsley.
I can't check our family history from here but this guy founded Elkhart Indiana and very well could be a relative.  He was quite prominent in this community and many things of his legacy remain.  His history is at THIS LINK.   Hmmm ... a strong family resemblance but in which grandchild ?  I'm not sure.

And a following generation of Beardsleys history  in Elkhart is AT This Link

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Flowers and the Amish

We stayed "home" yesterday but learned to get in line early or very late for anything to eat.  With over 750 people here, mostly elders, who don't miss many meals, we fit right in.  This was just the part of the line I could get with my cell phone.  But they do a great job once it starts to move.

Last night was the "big" candlelight dinner.. sit down and served.  It took about 1:45 to get through the courses.  The bison was great and the 4 shrimp were large.  All was very good.

Each person was served everything here... not something to choose from.

We spent today (Tues) touring the countryside and snapping pictures of the "Quilt Flowers"  (see additional info on our blog from Aug 4)...  We stopped at a number of the places on the tour including Elkhart, Middlebury, and Shipshewana.  The later was particularly interesting because of the many Amish folk who intermingle with the "normal?"  people as they go about their daily lives and work in local businesses. We didn't see many of the menfolk. But the very neat farms with white buildings, wagons, and horses are all over the area.

You can see my other pictures from today of the flower stops and the Amish on my blog link HERE

By the way.. I think I have fixed a problem with Email notices for new posts from this blog.  If you want to sign up... enter your email in the box at the top... It should work this time.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

FROG Rally

FROG Rally..  Check in day..(Forest River Owner’s Group)  Their annual rally at the Goshen County Fairgrounds in Goshen Indiana. 354 coaches and over 750 people. Must be 20 different brands from big Class A’s to pop-ups.  Large staff of volunteers in golf carts to direct parking, answer questions, give rides etc… Very well organized.  Many vendors, tours, factory tours, and over 100 technicians on site to fix problems without charge.  No place for an introvert, however.. a lot of Yaa Haa Haa types here and everyone is OLD..  Our site is fine, with nice grass and all amenities but a bit close together. Can you find our Gnat among the Beasts?

Another major event is going on in the surrounding towns… various places create “quilt squares” by mass plantings of flowers.   Here is the one at the fair grounds.  We will drive around and see more in the next few days. 

The Quilt Gardens... along the Heritage Trail joins quilting, gardening and art into a one-of-a-kind event. A colorful patchwork of quilt inspired gardens and quilt-themed murals linked by the roads that form the Heritage Trail.   More than a million vibrant blooms • 19 gigantic gardens and 20 hand-painted super-sized murals • 7 communities • May 30 - October 1
Every quilt garden and quilt mural has its own intricate pattern, many are original designs, and each has its own unique story.  Each of the seven unique communities that host quilt gardens & murals has its own special character and fun finds you’ll want to explore. Good info HERE with nice pictures

Also you can download and save or print their Free PDF  2013 Master Gardener Guidebook for detailed information about each garden. The download link is HERE and is also listed on the site link in the previous paragraph..  Worth a look.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Catching Up

Yesterday we spent in Green Bay at the County Park.  A really nice spot for an overnight. 

We got there before noon so had time to drive around town to see and photograph some of the spots you kids will remember.  Such as these...

For those of you who like to keep track of such things... this is Goose Poop. To find out more.. see the web album and our other pictures for this day at  This Link   (Cody had a pooping problem of his own, but we stopped at a vet in Allouez and got some meds)

We had a uneventful drive this morning to a campground in Elkhart IN.  We head to our "rally site" in Goshen IN tomorrow morning... it is about 20 miles away. No pictures taken today...

The toll roads from Milwaukee to Chicago and then East to Elkhart were not bad... just a bit bumpy and busy.  BUT in the 80 mile stretch on I-80 from Chicago.. we saw two accidents (about 30 miles apart) that had blocked the West bound lanes solid.. people were stopped and one blockage was in excess of 5 miles of stopped, blocked trucks and cars in both West bound lanes.. No way to get off.. the interstate is a toll road there. The other blockage was about 2 miles long. We are thankful and will not be going back that way.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Adios Door Co

Tonight will be our 11th here this trip, but given how much we have enjoyed this RV spot we will likely be back in the future.  It was a nice day today as well; highs in the mid 70s.

We had breakfast at the the White Gull Inn... a Fish Creek landmark since the late 1800s.  Not counting two ice cream sessions, this was only the third time we "ate out" since we arrived; one breakfast and two lunches. There are many nice places to eat but we have gotten very comfortable with our own cooking.

The flowers around most businesses in this area continue to delight us.  Here are the ones by the sign to the White Gull

We then walked the two blocks to a small public beach for another look at Green Bay. It was still an overcast and hazy morning.

We spent a last hour at the dog park and then shared a slice of cherry pie from the major cherry packer's store just down the road.

We will head to the city of Green Bay in the morning.  It is only 1 1/2 hours and we plan on trying out the RV sites at the Brown County Fair Grounds.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Blue Skys

Another "easy" day.  We headed to the one laundromat that we are aware of and helped the local economy by doing about 40 lbs of laundry.  So we are now set for another couple of weeks.  Then a trip to Ephraim to mail a card and deal with our love of ice cream and we stopped at the dog park for an hour.  I only played with my camera for these of a lone hawk over the open fields.

Not much else to take a picture of at the dog park.  Although very nice, it is next to a waste treatment plant on one side and a softball park on the other.