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Sunday, July 21, 2013

On D Road Again

This is our third night on the road for our outing this summer.   We left on Thurs and headed NE to Arkansas.  First night was spent at Arkadelphia AK.    Last night at Benton AK. We have been doing about 400 miles / day which is our comfortable max.  Carol has been driving as well which helps a lot.  All has gone very smoothly at our decision point in mid Illinois, so we are now heading on up to Door County WI before the rally in Goshen Indiana.  Tonight we are in Rockford Illinois.  

We are much pleased with getting back into farm country.  Wide open spaces with fields of corn and soy beans that fill a whole section.  We are not used to seeing these large commercial farms.  Huge meticulous fields.  A small old farmhouse with huge storage facilities, and sheds, and rows of equipment.. So much for the family farm idea.  

I am quite fascinated by how different the corn looks from when I was in Nebraska so long ago.  Planted much closer together.. almost looks solid, but there are very narrow rows. The leaves mostly point up, rather than hanging out and over. We saw this stuff from all the way up in Illinois.  Must the modern genetically engineered stuff or something.
Of course, it could also be that we have been in Texas so long that I don't know corn when I see it and it is something else.


Here is the CoffeeBean and Toad at a rest stop as well as a few other pictures.  Sunday we should be at an RV park in the Ellington Bay region of Door County WI.

 The Master Gardner Takes The Wheel

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