Things are coming along fine. I was encouraged to stop by Envoy to have the doc take a look at my progress if we were in the area. Carol has wanted to visit the brand new Trader Joe's in the Woodlands so we had planned a trip. It is a really nice store. We wish there was one closer than 45 min. away. Anyway, one of the first things we encountered was a TJ's staff member sitting on the floor (wine section) in about a pint of blood, while two others were wrapping his arm in gauze. There was a suspicious looking box cutter on the floor at his feet. It looked rather serious to me, but they helped him to the back somewhere; dripping all the way.
So since we had planned to go to The Woodlands anyway, we had made an appointment with the doc there at Envoy Medical. My visit was not nearly as exciting or bloody. As to my head... all seems to be doing fine, at least in terms of the operation. He took the tape off and the incision is healing nicely. I can't see it of course, but Carol says I really don't look too much like something out of a Frankenstein movie with the 4 inch scar on my skull behind my ear. It lives !! It lives !! Yes, thankfully.
I am doing just fine. Six more weeks until they "turn my ear on."
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Modest Milestones
I am up and around just fine, and sleeping well. I still can't lift much (I could, just not supposed to) but otherwise doing well. We got our two miles in at the mall on Friday and will do so again tomorrow.
I finally got a shower after 12 days (yes.. I took a bath each of the 12) The idea was to not get the surgery area wet at all, thus the bath. But that prohibition ended Saturday. And I still have to not get ANY water in the "new" ear until early August. The procedure to prevent that when taking a shower works quite well. You take part of a cotton ball, work some Vaseline into it, and place it in the ear canal. Then you take a glob of Vaseline and seal up the ear over the cotton ball. Only modestly messy. The tape over the sutures did get a little wet and I thought that might hasten its coming loose. It didn't. I am supposed to let the tape come off by itself.
Almost all discomfort is gone with the exception of one issue which I haven't discussed much. TASTE. As indicated in one of the earlier posts, one of the things that has to happen is they must sever a nerve that goes to the tongue when the make the entry to the middle ear. It is one of a number that impact one's sense of taste. The tongue feels "barely numb"... a bit like it feels after you eat some kinds of fruit or something, or when your mouth is really dry. Things don't taste bad, the sense of taste itself just seems to be somewhat less intense. Nerves do not regenerate, but I believe this does go away over time as the brain adjusts a bit. It is certainly I am glad to live with if the tradeoff is "better hearing through electronics".
By the way... the bull frog is still out there but the heron remains absent.
I finally got a shower after 12 days (yes.. I took a bath each of the 12) The idea was to not get the surgery area wet at all, thus the bath. But that prohibition ended Saturday. And I still have to not get ANY water in the "new" ear until early August. The procedure to prevent that when taking a shower works quite well. You take part of a cotton ball, work some Vaseline into it, and place it in the ear canal. Then you take a glob of Vaseline and seal up the ear over the cotton ball. Only modestly messy. The tape over the sutures did get a little wet and I thought that might hasten its coming loose. It didn't. I am supposed to let the tape come off by itself.
Almost all discomfort is gone with the exception of one issue which I haven't discussed much. TASTE. As indicated in one of the earlier posts, one of the things that has to happen is they must sever a nerve that goes to the tongue when the make the entry to the middle ear. It is one of a number that impact one's sense of taste. The tongue feels "barely numb"... a bit like it feels after you eat some kinds of fruit or something, or when your mouth is really dry. Things don't taste bad, the sense of taste itself just seems to be somewhat less intense. Nerves do not regenerate, but I believe this does go away over time as the brain adjusts a bit. It is certainly I am glad to live with if the tradeoff is "better hearing through electronics".
By the way... the bull frog is still out there but the heron remains absent.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Doing Well
Yesterday I actually got a little work done around the house and garage. Not anything very impressive. Just hanging a few racks on a pantry door for foil and stuff. Charged up the car battery in the Toyota that never gets driven. Repaired a 12 volt plug on the tow car break system.. etc. I am looking forward to getting out in the RV again.
We will likely do our exercise walk at the mall again today, although we took the day off from that yesterday. I'll shoot for an easy two miles.
As to the head/ear. Not much pain any more. Just a little. It comes in the form of a slight "twinge" that lasts 2 or 3 seconds, every couple of minutes. It is hard to tell just what the origin is.. either the implant site for the processor or from the middle ear work. I take a couple of Advil about every 12 hours and it helps, noticeably.
The tape over the incisions is still firmly fixed, as I have avoided getting that wet. Starting tomorrow, I'll return to showers instead of a bath, and I expect it to start to come off. A plug to keep water out of the ear is made of Vaseline soaked cotton ball, then covered with another glob of Vaseline. That all seems like a good tradeoff to be able to have a real shower.
As expected... no hearing at all in the ear they worked on. Will have nothing there until the device is "activated" in early August. (that is when I will be able to hear whispers and read your thoughts if within 7.5 feet) The right ear still uses a hearing aid so I can get by OK. I'll have both aids set up for the right ear so I'll have a spare. I still use the "TV Ears" and the wireless Sony Headphones, on our TV sets as the hearing aids have never given me very clear input when listening to TV or radio. Of course, those too, only work for the right ear.
But I don't want to miss a bit of anything Eric Witholder, Chairman Issa, or the Mystic Leader might have to say. At least I have been healing in interesting times.
We will likely do our exercise walk at the mall again today, although we took the day off from that yesterday. I'll shoot for an easy two miles.
As to the head/ear. Not much pain any more. Just a little. It comes in the form of a slight "twinge" that lasts 2 or 3 seconds, every couple of minutes. It is hard to tell just what the origin is.. either the implant site for the processor or from the middle ear work. I take a couple of Advil about every 12 hours and it helps, noticeably.
The tape over the incisions is still firmly fixed, as I have avoided getting that wet. Starting tomorrow, I'll return to showers instead of a bath, and I expect it to start to come off. A plug to keep water out of the ear is made of Vaseline soaked cotton ball, then covered with another glob of Vaseline. That all seems like a good tradeoff to be able to have a real shower.
As expected... no hearing at all in the ear they worked on. Will have nothing there until the device is "activated" in early August. (that is when I will be able to hear whispers and read your thoughts if within 7.5 feet) The right ear still uses a hearing aid so I can get by OK. I'll have both aids set up for the right ear so I'll have a spare. I still use the "TV Ears" and the wireless Sony Headphones, on our TV sets as the hearing aids have never given me very clear input when listening to TV or radio. Of course, those too, only work for the right ear.
But I don't want to miss a bit of anything Eric Witholder, Chairman Issa, or the Mystic Leader might have to say. At least I have been healing in interesting times.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Slow Improvment
Yesterday was a bit better, and today is starting off that way. Head isn't very sore but still have "twinges" of ear ache. I think that is normal for quite some time from what I have read. Today is the last of the various antibiotics, but I am still not to get the stitches wet for another week or so. The tape is showing no signs of coming off and I am supposed to leave it on until it does. And no water in the ear for 7 more weeks. That is about the time they are supposed to "turn it on."
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Father's Day
Yet another "easy" day. Advil is working. The Heron has decided not to visit today. However, sitting here for hours in front of the big windows, I have noticed a bull frog the size of a small cantaloup who is in and out of the pond. He is clearly not just eating flies. My guess his breath would be a bit "fishy" if I were able to get that close. It is a wonder the fish have survived this long with the little attention they have been getting from me.
First time out in the car since I came back from surgery on Tuesday. Mom drove us to Cathy's where we had pizza, salad, and a great chocolate cake. It was good to get out and around a bit. My Sudoku skills continue to improve and I am looking forward to some TV this evening. Tomorrow we will try a round of walking at the mall. Happy Father's day to Tim, Dave, and Chip and thanks to Carol for enabling me to be one.
First time out in the car since I came back from surgery on Tuesday. Mom drove us to Cathy's where we had pizza, salad, and a great chocolate cake. It was good to get out and around a bit. My Sudoku skills continue to improve and I am looking forward to some TV this evening. Tomorrow we will try a round of walking at the mall. Happy Father's day to Tim, Dave, and Chip and thanks to Carol for enabling me to be one.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Becoming More Productive
Last night was the most uncomfortable so far. I just couldn't find a place and a way to rest that wasn't doing a number on my head and neck. But today is looking up. They sent me home with a good sized bottle of Vicodin for pain. But I quickly
found that the stuff "shut off my water" to where I could have been a great ad for
Flomax. I would rather have my head hurt. So I have been making do with Tylenol since Tuesday, as it doesn't thin the blood and encourage bleeding like aspirin or Advil. Tylenol just hasn't been doing very well for me. Today, however, I was able to take my old standby, Advil, and it is working much better on the earache discomfort.
So I am being much more productive today. Here is a picture of the Green Heron that has taken to sitting on our fence or patio to eyeball the fish in our little lily pond. I am ready at any time (assuming I am awake) to throw a sock at the window and scare him off when needed. Also, I rediscovered the Sudoku Dragon program on my computer and have successfully solved 4 "moderately hard" puzzles, each in under 10 min. All of that and the day is only half over.
Yes... more productive indeed.
![]() |
This Guy Looks Like I Feel |
Yes... more productive indeed.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Sorta Like Yesterday
I slept better last night and I did "more effective" napping today, then yesterday so I guess that is an improvement. Less headache and more earache. Heat on the neck helps but am concerned that if the tape loosens - the left side of my skull will fall off. Likely not a valid concern.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Day Two... Following - UGH
I guess the after-anesthesia effect is finally hitting. I felt essentially "normal" for an old guy yesterday, and was pretty happy about it. Today not nearly as spry. I have been sitting around all day, "taking it easy" as was told to do, and just feel bum all over; sore, but not really in pain. My glasses don't fit right because of the stitches, so can't see well, mouth still sore, only one ear works (and that poorly of course), can't lift anything, can't get anything wet, pills and drops to take more frequently than I can remember, listened to our President's speech, yadda, yadda, yadda. Poor me. Poor me. Come to think of it, I think most of it was that speech. A very good thing I am living with such an efficient and cheerful nurse. And I did get the Garden Blog updated. I look forward to tomorrow .
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Post-Op Day

Lots of up and down last night with all the fluids I had with the IV and constant water after getting home. We went in at 10:00 AM today for the post op visit. They took my cup back and answered questions, etc. Lots of antibiotics and do nothing for 10 days. A real concern with any kind of exercise, lifting, or strain causing problems for the middle ear work. Big concern about not getting water on the area or in the ear for 2 months. Infection can be a real problem with this deal I guess.
I am feeling tired, and mouth is still yukky from the breathing tube and anesthesia. But otherwise just fine. Head feels like I had bumped it a bit. They do "sacrifice" one nerve that goes to the back of the tongue as they make the path for the wires into the middle ear.. Leaves it just a bit numb on one side and changes the way things taste a bit. Others have reported that you don't notice it after a month or so as the brain compensates.
So.. for the six weeks to 8 weeks I operate on one ear with one hearing aid. It is working better then I would have expected so I'll be as fine as usual in that regard. Then they "turn it on" and I will be able to hear whispers and read your thoughts if within 7.5 feet. It has a wireless controller to make adjustments.
I took a picture of the "model device" after the pre-op session. My little knife is just over 2 inches long for comparison. Battery is like for a pace maker and is supposed to last 5 to 7 years with emphasis on 5 I think. They replace it under a local.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Pre-Op Session Results
(Monday, 6:50 PM)... Well, the "pre-op" session went fine. I came away impressed with their facilities and their people. First up was a one hour audiogram session. It confirmed what others have shown, but this one was more extensive.
Here is a quick look at my results. Left and Right ear are almost the same. Hearing scores at 40db and greater are considered moderate to moderate-severe. Higher scores mean sounds have to be at higher levels to be heard. I have put notes in blue on the left and the red boxes show normal ranges for volume (db) and frequency. The X is left ear, the < is right ear and the A is with aids in both ears. "normal hearing of speech is in the shaded yellow.
These scores explain why I have so much trouble understanding, even if I can hear. I am missing the normal speech frequencies, especially the lower ones, even with the aids.
After the audiogram session, mom and I spent about an hour with one of the doctors who checked me out and then explained everything that was going to go on. Again, we felt very good about it.
We'll be there tomorrow at 6:00AM for 7:00AM surgery.. lasting 3-5 hours. Should be home after 5:00 PM. Cathy will stop by around noon, likely. I am quite relaxed about it all, but don't look forward to sitting around for a couple of weeks. And it is 8 weeks before the "implant" is turned on for the first time.
June 11.. A Day of Significance
Mom and Dad (Harvey and Harriet) Bennett were married on this day in 1939
Our daughter Carrie and Dave Reid were married on this day in 1994

And today I go in for a Pre-Op visit to become the bionic man. The surgery is tomorrow at 7:00 in The Woodlands and will last 3-5 hours. I should be home by the evening. So more on that in a day or so.
Here is a very short video that describes what I am getting. The battery and electronics go behind the ear in the mastoid bone of the skull. Here is more info Click Here
Our daughter Carrie and Dave Reid were married on this day in 1994

And today I go in for a Pre-Op visit to become the bionic man. The surgery is tomorrow at 7:00 in The Woodlands and will last 3-5 hours. I should be home by the evening. So more on that in a day or so.
Here is a very short video that describes what I am getting. The battery and electronics go behind the ear in the mastoid bone of the skull. Here is more info Click Here
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Blackout Ready

During hurricane Ike a couple of years ago, we SPENT OVER A WEEK without electricity. Thanks to the generator in the RV parked in the drive we kept the fridge and freezer going OK. Also, the old, old, gas generator I bought 15 years ago to keep my KOI fish alive during such periods, provided enough power for lights.
No hurricanes last year but I don't have a good feeling about 2012. On Thursday night we had some rather miner thunderstorms go through and we lost power twice.. the first time for less than 1/2 hour, but then for almost 5 hours, between 1:30 AM and 6:30 AM on Friday morning.
So yesterday I got in gear and we are now ready. I started up the old generator after its 2 year sleep and it seems to be fine. I determined it can handle fridge and freezer, as well as light. I got the heavy extension cords ready (generator runs in the garage with door partially open). I also have two, 5 gal gas cans filled with StaBil added. These were refilled in Jan 2012 and still the gas stared the generator fine. Our outdoor grill is natural gas, so it is always available
.After Ike I had purchased a very small 7 inch digital TV and a 600 watt inverter which I now have set up to let me run 110 volt things off of any of 3 deep cycle batteries I had changed out of the RV for new ones. I keep these charged in the garage with a "battery minder" trickle charger. The inverter lets me keep most things charged up, as well as run my DSL modem and WiFi router so we have internet. Our DSL is a "hard phone" line like our regular telephone line is. Both are ok with no power as long as a tree doesn't take them out. (sorry Uverse Users).
Frozen Food, Outdoor Cooking, Lights, TV, Phones, Cell Phones, Laptop, Galaxy Tablet, Internet Access ......
Now if it only wasn't always so darn hot....... but there is always the pool.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Back From Carrie's
New Blog Site
As you have noted, I have shifted to a new blog site. The old one was created in 2005 and there are more features available now. I could likely have just modified the "Houston Bennetts" site but I had really done nothing with it since 2007. You can always get to it with the link on the right.Our Virginia Visit
4 year old pix but only one I had |
Maysville Baptist at Bucking VA (Justin on the steps) |
We had a great visit with Pastor Dave, Carrie, Jordan, Jocelyn, Justin, Jayson, Joanna, and Blue. What a great multi-building compound you have.
And thanks to Maysville Baptist Church for their RV parking space.
Well we are back home, as of yesterday, safe and sound. A trouble-free trip, door-to door-to door, and for that we are thankful. We had a great time in our 12 days with Carrie and family in Buckingham VA. Total round-trip millage was a long 2,617.5 miles. We used 290.9 gallons of gas and averaged 8.71 mpg towing the Honda. I ran 57 to 63 mph depending upon the roads. Most were just fine except about 20 miles of bumpy I-10 near Lafayette LACoffee Bean Nest On the Right |
The Pastor Reid's House... (Blue on right) |
Now to plan for the rest of the year.
We are considering Natchez MS, Charleston SC, Rocksprings TX, and Ruidoso NM. Time will tell. We need to get my "ear surgery" done on June 12 first. Will report on that here in the next couple of weeks.
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