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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Slow Improvment

Yesterday was a bit better, and today is starting off that way.  Head isn't very sore but still have "twinges" of ear ache.  I think that is normal for quite some time from what I have read. Today is the last of the various antibiotics, but I am still not to get the stitches wet for another week or so.  The tape is showing no signs of coming off and I am supposed to leave it on until it does.  And no water in the ear for 7 more weeks.  That is about the time they are supposed to "turn it on."

1 comment:

John Bennett said...

I appreciate the updates. Happy to hear that at least some progress is being made. We are in the Black Hills this week. Roberta came out on Sat. And meet up with her friend Devin who lives in Cody, WY. Devin left for home Mondayand Roberta will go back tomorrow (Wednesday). Mel and Deli Anderson arrive Wed. also. Then back home on Saturday the 23rd. Love to all.