Yesterday I actually got a little work done around the house and garage. Not anything very impressive. Just hanging a few racks on a pantry door for foil and stuff. Charged up the car battery in the Toyota that never gets driven. Repaired a 12 volt plug on the tow car break system.. etc. I am looking forward to getting out in the RV again.
We will likely do our exercise walk at the mall again today, although we took the day off from that yesterday. I'll shoot for an easy two miles.
As to the head/ear. Not much pain any more. Just a little. It comes in the form of a slight "twinge" that lasts 2 or 3 seconds, every couple of minutes. It is hard to tell just what the origin is.. either the implant site for the processor or from the middle ear work. I take a couple of Advil about every 12 hours and it helps, noticeably.
The tape over the incisions is still firmly fixed, as I have avoided getting that wet. Starting tomorrow, I'll return to showers instead of a bath, and I expect it to start to come off. A plug to keep water out of the ear is made of Vaseline soaked cotton ball, then covered with another glob of Vaseline. That all seems like a good tradeoff to be able to have a real shower.
As expected... no hearing at all in the ear they worked on. Will have nothing there until the device is "activated" in early August. (that is when I will be able to hear whispers and read your thoughts if within 7.5 feet) The right ear still uses a hearing aid so I can get by OK. I'll have both aids set up for the right ear so I'll have a spare. I still use the "TV Ears" and the wireless Sony Headphones, on our TV sets as the hearing aids have never given me very clear input when listening to TV or radio. Of course, those too, only work for the right ear.
But I don't want to miss a bit of anything Eric Witholder, Chairman Issa, or the Mystic Leader might have to say. At least I have been healing in interesting times.
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